Tim Traversy

Kyria Build Log

One completed half of the Kyria


I purchased my first ortholinear keyboard, the Planck EZ from ZSA, two years ago. I’ve enjoyed the reduced finger reach, multiple layers, small form factor, and open-source firmware. There were a few things I wanted that drove me to look for a new board.



I checked out a bunch of split keyboards (awesome-split-keyboards is a great resource), before settling on the Kyria from splitkb. It seemed to have an active community, available parts, and a sensible layout.

I ordered the PCB kit from splitkb, and a set of Kailh Low Profile Choc Switches and other bits from MKUltra. Then the build commenced!


The splitkb build guide is well-written, and I didn’t need to consult many other resources while building.

Reading the build guide


First I inserted the diodes onto the underside of the PCB.

PCB with diodes inserted

Then I soldered them down…

PCB with diodes soldered

…and clipped the legs off. After trying this with the wire cutters I had on hand, I would say a set of flush-cutters or snips is absolutely necessary. Otherwise you won’t be able to cut the legs nicely flush, as illustrated in this picture.

Profile of PCB with diode legs clipped off


I took a brief recess from soldering to setup my QMK environment and test my microcontrollers: one USB-C equipped Elite-C, and one Pro Micro. I ran into a few tricky issues during this process.

I’m running Arch Linux, which provides a QMK package:

sudo pacman -S qmk

Before flashing you have to put the board into bootloader mode. The Elite-C comes with a reset button that you can press, but for the Pro Micro you have to short the RESET and GND pins. I used pliers and a U-shaped piece of solder to achive that.

Pliers shorting the board with a piece of solder

You then have only 8 seconds to run the flash command before the board exits bootlooader mode. This succeeded out of the box for the Elite-C.

qmk flash -kb kyria -km default

But again, the Pro Micro gave me trouble - the flash command just hung and wouldn’t recognize the connected board. I tried a dozen workarounds from the QMK docs and forums

Finally I got it to work by installing the avrdude bootloader driver on my machine, which is the one used by the Pro Micro, and specifying this while using the make syntax for flashing. Success!

sudo pacman -S avrdude
make splitkb/kyria/rev1:default:avrdude

Other components

I was hyper-focused on my soldering, so I forgot to take many good pictures of it. I installed the microcontroller, OLED display, TRRS port, and Reset button. I attempted to socket my microcontroller as splitkb recommends, but botched the first one - it’s important to put a layer of scotch tape between the sockets and the microcontroller to prevent them from fusing. I would also recommend popping the microcontroller off after every five solder joints or so, to make sure you haven’t accidentally fused it before you finish it entirely and have to undo the whole thing.

PCB with more components installed

I then attached the top of the case and soldered the switches into it.

Close up of installed switches and keycaps


And that about does it. I plugged it into my computer and by some miracle it just works!

I’m missing a few keycaps as you can see - this is because I didn’t realize that the Choc switches don’t support the 2u keycaps I bought. I purchased some nice gold ones from MKUltra that I’m waiting on now, and I’ll add a photo once they arrive.

Both completed halves of the keyboard

Thoughts & Next

Building this keyboard was satisfying and not as hard as I thought! Soldering in particular seems scary, but was actually pretty forgiving of mistakes.

I went with White switches for this build to see if I liked them and they are a bit loud - I don’t think I could use this in an office. But they feel good!

I’ve just started designing the layout I’m going to use with this keyboard - there’s enough there for another post in the future.